Projects Tool
Training & Learning

Projects Tool: Streamline Your Course Delivery With Collaborative Learning

As an L&D leader, you know that delivering the right learning experiences for your teams takes more than just choosing the right option from a menu of course content. To create truly impactful training, you need to collaborate with your training project teams and build this content from the ground up.

The only downside? Crowdsourcing this content can be a complicated process, and requires L&D teams to manage complex projects with a number of different stakeholders. These projects also involve a lot of low-value tasks, like sending reminders to subject-matter experts for their input, getting the right approvals, and planning the roll-out of your new courses. 

We want to streamline your course delivery by simplifying complex projects and making it fast and seamless to develop great training content with other teams. That’s why we’ve developed a series of three Enterprise Plan features to bring your teams together and take all the pain out of collaborating on new courses. 

Read on to find out more! 

Collaborating with training project teams should never be a chore

Every L&D team wants to focus on the most strategic part of organizational learning: delivering impactful training and helping your teams apply their new skills and knowledge. 

Unfortunately, the numbers tell a different story. Every single hour of eLearning takes 130 hours and $22,178 to create, meaning most L&D teams are stuck in the most repetitive and administratively burdensome part of the whole process.

If this sounds like you, don’t worry - you’re not alone. We talk to a lot of L&D leaders, and we often hear about how tough it is to develop and ship content with the right input from training project teams. People are busy, and they don’t always have the time to share their knowledge.

So, how can you streamline complex projects and deliver great courses faster?

Our three-part Enterprise Plan is here to help, starting with the first feature: our Projects Tool

5 steps to streamlining your course delivery with our Projects Tool 

Think of our Projects Tool as mission control for your next great course - or program of courses. It’s where you create your projects, collaborate with stakeholders, and oversee your training roll-out. 

It all happens in five key steps.

1. Create your project, add stakeholders, and get the ball rolling

Taking the first step is the hardest part of any project. That’s why we’ve made it easy to get the ball rolling with our Projects Tool

In one click, you can launch your new project by writing a title and a description. Then, you can invite stakeholders from a range of training project teams, add deadlines, and attach resources. Right away, you’ll start to see an overview of how your training initiative is shaping up.

Then, it’s time to get in touch with your stakeholders and subject-matter experts.

2. Collaborate with training project teams to co-author courses

Now that you have an overview, you can start to shape the project with input from other teams. This is where L&D leaders usually spend the most time and effort on repetitive administrative tasks. Unfortunately, it’s also where a lot of projects go sideways.

Our Projects Tool helps you stay on track by automating all of the usual tasks you need to complete. Your stakeholders and subject-matter experts will automatically be added as co-authors, allowing them to start contributing to course or program content right away. 

You can also quickly designate specific project tasks for others to complete, such as writing part of the course or sourcing up-to-date information on defined topics. 

3. Add reviewers for quality control

Building great training content is a process of review and iteration. That’s why our Projects Tool makes it easy to add reviewers to help with quality control for every course or program within your project.

When you’re ready for feedback, your reviewers will automatically receive prompts to complete their tasks. This way, you can crowdsource the best knowledge and expertise from across your organization without having to chase people down.

Now, with all of the reviewing done, you’re ready to finalize your project and publish your courses! 

4. Roll out your project with just a few clicks

Your project is completed, and your new courses (or programs of courses) are ready. Congrats! Now, it’s time to tell learners about them. 

Once again, we’ve automated this process to make the launch as easy as possible. With just a few clicks, you can alert your learners to the courses, offer an exciting window into what they can expect to learn, and ask them to sign up. 

Even better, you won’t have to wait long to see how your new content is being received. With Reactions, your learners can give you feedback in real time, helping you to see where things are working well, and where there’s room for improvement.

5. Monitor the progress of ongoing projects from your dashboard

Finalizing a project is one thing. Now that you’ve launched your project, you need an easy way to make sure everything is running smoothly and make adjustments where necessary. You might even want to start new projects to create courses or programs on related topics.

Our Projects Tool lets you keep track of all of your projects from a single dashboard, giving you a clear overview of the impacts you’re helping to drive across your business. Now, you don’t have to spend time jumping from window to window - it’s all in one place.

Simplify your projects and streamline course delivery with our Projects Tool

There’s a good reason why our users deploy their first course within just an hour on our platform. We want L&D teams to have the time and space to make the biggest impact. That’s why we’ve made it smooth, streamlined, and intuitive to create courses and programs. 

Instead of spending hours - or even days - emailing training project teams to draft and review course material, our Projects Tool lets you create a project and shape new content quickly with automated prompts and reminders. Then, you can iterate and improve this content over time.

That’s the power of Collaborative Learning at scale. With our Projects Tool, you can respond quickly to learning opportunities, create the courses and programs your teams need, and make organizational learning a shared exercise.

Our Projects Tool is the first of our three pillars of our Enterprise Plan, so stay tuned for more exciting updates! 

Interested in all our Collaborative Learning features? Check out our Relevance Score, Video Pitch Assessment, Reactions, Authoring Tool, and Discussion Forum

If you’d like to see how our Collaborative Learning platform can help you, book a free demo with one of our learning experts. 

Projects Tool Demo