case study

Training & Learning
number five representing examples of employee training
The 5 Best Examples of Employee Training Courses & Development ProgramsWe define employee training and development, showcase five training programs with case studies, and provide four tips to help start development programs.
Jocelyn Ho
Jocelyn HoContent Lead US, 360 Learning
Training & Learning
Students in India
From Trainer to Community Leader: Sugata Mitra and the Future of Remote LearningSecret to remote learning success? Your grandma.
Amanda RollinsBrand & Content Manager, 360Learning
Training & Learning
Upskilling for Success: How AlphaSights Boosted Productivity for 1,500+ Employees  As AlphaSights continues to grow rapidly around the world, maximising and scaling employee onboarding and development becomes more crucial than ever. See how they train and upskill their 1,500 team members so that they have everything they need to perform their best.
Jesse Barnes
Jesse BarnesSenior Customer Success Manager, 360Learning
Training & Learning
Altarea Internal Expertise
How Altarea is Engaging 10x More Learners by Unlocking Internal ExpertiseAltarea's Head of Human Resources decided to create their own collaborative, interactive, and flexible Digital Academy, in order to engage 10x more learners. See how they're doing it.
Emilie Boulet
Émilie BouletCustomer Success Partner, 360Learning
Training & Learning
Aircall onboarding program
How Aircall Onboards 40 New Hires a Month With One Full-Time L&D ManagerAircall has 650 employees around the globe, and the company is still growing, fast. To accommodate new joiners and provide a consistently exceptional onboarding experience they needed to restructure their onboarding program to make it scalable, interactive, and collaborative. See how they did it here.
Abd-elhadi Khair
Abd-elhadi KhairClient Success Partner, 360Learning
Training & Learning
Mitsubishi Electric Customer Satisfaction
How Mitsubishi Electric Achieved 99% Customer Satisfaction While Reducing Training Costs by 65%Discover how Mitsubishi Electric has delivered training to over 2,000 customer engineers using a blended learning approach.
Lina GarciaHead of Client Success UK
Training & Learning
How Safran Achieved 136,000 Hours of Online Training in Only One Year
How Safran Achieved 136,000 Hours of Online Training in Only One YearWith Safran University—and 360Learning as its cornerstone—Safran has everything it needs to meet the challenges of its digital transformation program.
Sophie Torre
Sophie TorreStrategic Client Success Director at 360Learning
Training & Learning
Collaborative Learning Examples
3 Examples of Collaborative Learning in Top OrganizationsWhat does Collaborative Learning actually look like in practice? We’ve gathered 3 examples to showcase how companies are using Collaborative Learning strategies to improve their onboarding, tech stacks, and L&D organization.
Joei ChanDirector of Brand & Content, 360Learning
Training & Learning
How Appen saved $240K with Collaborative LearningAI training outfit Appen has over 1,000 employees spread across four continents. They needed a better way to deliver L&D at the speed of business, and Collaborative Learning offered them a great solution. In this case study, we'll explore how they save time and money with 360Learning.
Vladimir Marzloff
Vladimir MarzloffHead of Sales Operations, 360Learning
Training & Learning
How AlphaSights built a scalable onboarding program with 99% satisfaction rates
How AlphaSights Built a Scalable Onboarding Program with 99% Satisfaction RatesLearn how AlphaSights scaled their onboarding by leveraging in-house experts and decentralizing learning.
Caroline Solis Wright
Caroline Solis WrightVP of Marketing, 360Learning
Training & Learning
How INES CRM Expects to Decrease Churn by 20% With the Collaborative Learning PlaybookKeep your customers happy with the right training tool.
Benjamin Marchal
Benjamin MarchalChief Operations Officier, 360Learning