training needs analysis

Training & Learning
How to Create and Use a Skill Matrix TemplateA short guide (with free template) to making your own organizational skills matrix template, and best practices for using it.
Jocelyn Ho
Jocelyn HoContent Lead US, 360 Learning
Training & Learning
Talent development
Why Most Talent Development Programs Suck (And Why Yours Doesn’t Have To)If employees aren't getting the career growth they need, chances are they'll walk. We share some talent strategy management ideas to help you retain top talent.
Robin Nichols
Robin NicholsGlobal Head of Content, 360Learning
Management & Mindset
Workforce Planning
Workforce Planning Still Matters in 2021, But You Need to Change Your Strategy—Here’s HowCOVID proved that once-a-year workforce planning isn't going to cut it when the unexpected occurs. Instead, your approach should be continuous & collaborative.
Robin Nichols
Robin NicholsGlobal Head of Content, 360Learning
Training & Learning
Training engagement
The Secret to Training Engagement Is Surprisingly SimpleTo maximize learner engagement, Collaborative Learning needs to be baked into your training to make it relevant, effective, and social. Let's see how.
Tom Baragwanath
Tom BaragwanathGlobal Head of Content, 360Learning
Training & Learning
PwC’s 4-Step Approach to Handling Complex L&D DemandsFor one of the world's leading professional services firms, choosing the right L&D strategy can be a complicated task. In this interview, I talk to Theresa Cook, Director of L&D at PwC Luxembourg, about her 4-step approach to getting it right.
Jonah GoldsteinHead of Learning, 360Learning
Training & Learning
Conduct A Better Skills Gap Analysis With Boston Consulting Group's Growth-Share Matrix
Conduct A Better Skills Gap Analysis With BCG's Growth-Share MatrixDo you have cash cows, dogs, or super stars?
Benjamin Marchal
Benjamin MarchalChief Operations Officier, 360Learning