
Training & Learning
Photo of Barcelona city representing skills ontology.
Closing Skills Gaps: Best Practices for Building a Skills OntologyUnlock the power of a skills ontology. Learn how to close skills gaps, map career paths, and use AI solutions to streamline the process.
Frederique CampbellContent Lead US & UK, 360Learning
Training & Learning
Skills Management: A Guide for L&D LeadersWant to understand skills management and how it creates stronger organizations. This guide has everything you need to know.
Olivier Rohou
Olivier RohouChief Skills Officer, 360Learning
Training & Learning
How to Create and Use a Skill Matrix TemplateA short guide (with free template) to making your own organizational skills matrix template, and best practices for using it.
Jocelyn Ho
Jocelyn HoContent Lead US, 360 Learning
Training & Learning
The Hogwarts Express train crossing viaduct representing skill training
What Enterprises Should Know About Skill TrainingDiscover how skills training can close skills gaps and boost career development, including a step-by-step guide for implementing skills training.
Jocelyn Ho
Jocelyn HoContent Lead US, 360 Learning
Training & Learning
skills inventory
How to Create a Skills Inventory List With AI
Patrick Whatman
Patrick WhatmanContent Writer
Management & Mindset
The Ultimate Skills Playbook For L&DWhether you’re just getting started with skills or optimizing your existing ontology, this five-step guide will provide you with the insights and best practices to leverage skills-based learning effectively.
Olivier Rohou
Olivier RohouChief Skills Officer, 360Learning
Training & Learning
Transferable Skills: How to Recruit, Train & Retain Versatile TalentLearn how to identify and measure transferable skills for a high-functioning, more adaptable organization.
Philippine Flambard
Philippine FlambardContent Lead, 360Learning
Management & Mindset
How to Define & Manage Technical Skills in Your CompanyLearn about what technical skills are (with examples) and why it’s so important to define and track them in your organization.
Olivier Rohou
Olivier RohouChief Skills Officer, 360Learning
Training & Learning
A woman using virtual reality representing learning and development in the age of AI.
Operational Excellence: L&D in the Age of AI With Christopher LindWe explore operational excellence as a methodology in learning and development and building meaningful relationships with your stakeholders in the age of AI.
David James
David JamesChief Learning Officer, 360Learning
Training & Learning
Skills Audit Best Practices: A Comprehensive Guide for HR and L&D ProfessionalsWant to conduct an organizational skills audit without months of effort and issues along the way? Here are the crucial best practices.
Patrick Whatman
Patrick WhatmanContent Writer
Training & Learning
Double-six rolled on red dice representing the twelve best learning and development tools in 2024.
12 Best Learning & Development (L&D) Tools in 2024We explore the 12 best learning and development tools to upskill your team and how to find the right tool for your L&D strategy.
Jocelyn Ho
Jocelyn HoContent Lead US, 360 Learning
Training & Learning
360Learning 2024 State of Online Learning Report
Chapter 3: The Real Utility of Online Learning? Closing Meaningful Skills Gaps.Employees are embracing online learning. Now, the challenge is for L&D teams to harness this enthusiasm to close meaningful skills gaps.
David James
David JamesChief Learning Officer, 360Learning