Jessica Perkins
Jessica Perkins
SaaS Marketing Consultant and Writer

A growth hacker at heart, Jessica helps SaaS companies rapidly scale their inbound leads through lean marketing strategies.

Training & Learning
Unleashing Creativity: How to Elevate Your Training Courses Using AI-Generated ImagesIn this article, we share why great images in your training courses matter, five practical steps to get started with creating AI-generated images, and frequently asked questions about their usage.
Jessica Perkins
Jessica PerkinsSaaS Marketing Consultant and Writer
Training & Learning
4 Great Reasons to Brand Your Learning and Development Materials (and How to Do It) In this article, we’ll cover the importance and benefits of branding learning and development materials to promote a cohesive and consistent visual identity across all training resources.
Jessica Perkins
Jessica PerkinsSaaS Marketing Consultant and Writer
Training & Learning
3 Common Concerns Employees Have About AI Ethics and How to Address Them In this article, we break down three common concerns employees have about AI ethics and how to handle them.
Jessica Perkins
Jessica PerkinsSaaS Marketing Consultant and Writer
Training & Learning
7 Strategies for Teaching Soft Skills in the WorkplaceLong-term job success comes down to soft skills mastery. Unfortunately, the UK is losing £22 billion a year by not investing in soft skills development. In this article, we share seven strategies that employers can use to teach soft skills in the workplace and discuss the tools you need to truly encourage a learning environment.
Jessica Perkins
Jessica PerkinsSaaS Marketing Consultant and Writer
Training & Learning
13 Great Ways to Get Your Employees Fully on Board With UpskillingIn this article, we look at the key steps L&D and HR teams need to take to develop their own upskilling programme and the best formats for learning, including collaborative learning.
Jessica Perkins
Jessica PerkinsSaaS Marketing Consultant and Writer
Training & Learning
Your Teams Need These 3 Hard Skills to Succeed—Here’s How You Can Help Them Level-UpIn this article, we'll take a look at the three most in-demand hard skills across a variety of industries, as well as ways you can enable employee upskilling for each of them.
Jessica Perkins
Jessica PerkinsSaaS Marketing Consultant and Writer
Management & Mindset
employee financial wellness
Why It Pays Off to Invest in Employee Financial WellnessShould financial literacy be part of your L&D curriculum? From reducing stress levels to increasing your bottom line, there are many benefits to say 'yes'.
Jessica Perkins
Jessica PerkinsSaaS Marketing Consultant and Writer
Management & Mindset
employee wellness goals and objectives
Employee Wellness Programs: How to Set Goals and ObjectivesRead on for ideas on how to build a wellness program that engages the entire workforce, from gym memberships to financial education programs. Let's dive in.
Jessica Perkins
Jessica PerkinsSaaS Marketing Consultant and Writer
Training & Learning
Cross-training employees
8 Benefits To Cross-Training EmployeesWith employees gaining the upper hand in the labor market, how can organizations ensure they’ve got enough skilled staff on board? Invest in cross-training.
Jessica Perkins
Jessica PerkinsSaaS Marketing Consultant and Writer
Training & Learning
real estate development training
5-Step Guide to Training and Development in Real EstateCOVID has turned real estate upside down. Here are 5 steps you should include in your program to help your brokers and agents get back up to speed, fast.
Jessica Perkins
Jessica PerkinsSaaS Marketing Consultant and Writer
Management & Mindset
Second Job
Your Team Member Wants to Take a Second Job? Read This First.You should consider their career development, what onboarding will consist of, and if your employee can handle the workload...Let's dive into the details.
Jessica Perkins
Jessica PerkinsSaaS Marketing Consultant and Writer