2022 Q4 Product Recap
Training & Learning

Product Update: Group Dashboard, Exciting Live Training Updates, and More Features to Upskill from Within

Hello and welcome back to this little corner of the 360Learning blog! 

As the year draws to a close, it's time to take a look back at the past year and how far we've come. We would especially like to thank you for your trust and feedback throughout the year. Your day-to-day partnership helps our Product team improve the training experience for your learners and support you to upskill from within, with the power of collaborative learning

To close out this beautiful year, here is a final recap of our product releases before enjoying the well-deserved holiday season.

Provide a best-in-class learning experience

Single Pages

Addressing a variety of upskilling needs requires flexibility. Sometimes, you want learners to physically click Next to materialize course progression. Other times, you need a bigger canvas to get your message across just right. 

That is why we’re excited to bring you Single Pages, a new way to frame learning activities. Mix activities (text, documents, questions, recordings) in one single page, and create an immersive experience for learners. Fear not: our legacy slideshow layout (one activity per page) isn’t going away. We’re simply giving you more options to design learning experiences that truly fit upskilling needs. 

360Learning Single Pages
360Learning Single Pages

Forum Emails - New Design

Notification emails regarding forum updates (such as likes and replies) are getting a facelift. Updated links take you to the right place to quickly respond. With these updates, notification emails will help you manage the forum more effectively. Keep your inbox and to-reply list running smoothly with useful forum notification emails from 360Learning!

360Learning forum email new design
The new design for 360Learning forum email notifications

Take your live trainings to the next level

Live Learners

Create a real classroom feeling with our newest collaborative learning feature! One reason learners don’t engage in learning programs is that they think “no one else is doing it either”. In your course settings, when you have “Enable Collaborative Learning” on, your learners will now be able to see other learners currently taking the same course, in real-time. Foster collaboration, create a sense of belonging among your learners, and see your learner engagement rise with collaborative learning.

360Learning live learners feature
The Live Learners feature shows learners who is simultaneously taking the same course

What’s New in Paths

Assessments can now be added to Paths! Here are some highlights of this functionality: For the assessment step, you’ll be able to choose between different validation options, e.g. fail/pass or a score of 0%-100%.  ✨ You can also add instructions for learners, if needed. An assessment can be set as a prerequisite for learners to earn a certificate.

360Learning assessments in paths
Assessments can now be added to Paths in 360Learning

Retry courses: Learners are now able to retry previously completed courses (vs before only being able to access the completed attempt). The score for the course is an average of each attempt.

New side panel on the paths homepage. In the new side panel, you'll find:

  • A list of all sessions associated with the path.
  • The status of the current session.
  • The estimated duration of the path.
  • The number of steps within the path.
  • If the path will reward a certificate upon completion.

Classroom Attendance: Learner Check-in is now on mobile

If you enjoyed the ease and convenience of the audit-proof learner check-in, you’re going to love that it's now available on mobile. Learners can confirm attendance electronically on a personal device, a device provided by the trainer, or from their mobile app.

Note: Mobile check-in will only be available on Path, not Program sessions.

Classroom Registration: Self-Registration vs Automatic Registration

Self-registration: It’s about the learner. You can choose to open up self-registration, and let learners manage registration and navigate their schedules autonomously. Or, you can register learners to any of the created events yourself.

Automatic registration: You can choose to register learners to classroom events automatically or manually. ✨ When the auto-registration option is turned on, the platform will auto-register new learners to the next open classroom slot when they are enrolled in the path.

360Learning self-registration vs automatic registration
360Learning now offers the option between self-registration and automatic registration

Deliver the right content at the right time

AI-powered Recommendations

Excite your learners with AI-powered personalized recommendations—accessible from the platform and now also delivered to your learners' inboxes. Learners receive fresh recommendations directly in their inbox and can more easily discover training tailored to their specific interests and context.

360Learning AI-powered recommendations
Your learners receive personalized course recommendations based on their unique interests and role

Globalization Updates

We’re excited to bring you fresh enhancements to connect with global audiences, brought to you by the Globalization solution

  • Translate SCORM courses, by creating a new translation and uploading the file in the corresponding language. Course content will automatically match the user’s account language. 
  • Translate the Path’s info (title, description, and session block) into one of our 32 globalization languages. The best part? The platform will automatically surface the translated Path in the learner’s account language. 
  • In the Path editor, you can now make a translation (un)available by toggling on the Available button directly from the Translate tab. No more switching tabs!
  • When translating a course, you can now use any available language as the reference language. Easier for side-by-side translation! 
  • With an overview of the steps included within your Path, you will be able to check their availability in the translated language at a glance, and access the step’s editor—all from one single place! 

Go1 Integration

Enrich your L&D catalog with over 100,000+ high-quality courses from the Go1 Content Hub. Our new integration allows users to seamlessly search and access Go1 courses within our LMS for collaborative learning, and to curate and contextualize those courses within paths. Easily track learner progress through synchronized time spent, latest activity, and completion data.

360Learning Go1 integration
Access 100,000+ high-quality courses from the Go1 Content Hub with our new integration

In-app Notifications

Learners are busy people, and they need easy and actionable notifications at their fingertips. Our new in-app notifications center centralizes all of our email notifications into a single view in the platform, allowing learners to see new program and path assignments–and to register with a single click.

Scale your admin work

New Export Experience 

 🚨 Alert: we made major updates to our export experience! Gone are the days where you didn’t know exactly what your export would contain. Customize your reports by type, filter, and columns. Choose to save the report for future downloads in our new Custom Report list. 

Aggregate Subgroup Data

In your group dashboard, Admins will now see a checkbox in the upper righthand corner. If you’re a group admin of a parent group with subgroups, check that box if you want your dashboard to aggregate all subgroup data for all users for all subgroups, including hidden groups. If you’re a platform admin, your aggregated group dashboard will show company-wide statistics. 

360Learning aggregate subgroup data
You can now aggregate subgroup data in the 360Learning dashboard

Compare Subgroup Data With Group Dashboard

Compare your subgroups to track for trends, spot areas of focus, and monitor progress over time. As a group admin, compare your users’ activity to proactively track what you want to improve for your learners. See the metrics that matter most and make strategic L&D decisions about your learning programs.

360Learning compare subgroup data with group dashboard
360Learning's new Group Dashboard allows you to compare and track subgroup data with ease


Automatically sync your employee data with 360Learning using our System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) integration. This turnkey API saves time for talent managers by eliminating the need for double entry. Employee updates in any SCIM-compliant HRIS platform automatically sync to 360Learning.

More exciting updates to come…

That’s a wrap on the list of all the great new ways to achieve collaborative learning within your organization. We’re already working on our next set of updates! 

If you’d like more information on any of these updates and what they can bring to you, head over to our product release notes

We’ll be in touch with even more exciting developments very soon! 

Not yet a 360Learning customer and would like to take these features out for a spin? Request a free demo here.👇🏼

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