Introducing the Audience Builder: Stop Chasing Course Completions, Start Driving Business Impact
Training & Learning

Introducing the Audience Builder: Stop Chasing Course Completions, Start Driving Business Impact

“Death and taxes.” The two things nobody can avoid in life, so they say.

And if you work in L&D, you might as well add, “chasing learners to complete compliance training” to the list. At least, until now. Enter our new feature: the Audience Builder.

Let’s take a look at how this new 360Learning feature will help Learning and Development professionals (you!) spend less time on manual, low-value-added tasks, and more time on driving real business impact.

Before “Audience Builder”: The dreaded compliance training

First, let’s take a step back. What was life like for the majority of L&D professionals who were responsible for ensuring mandatory training was completed? 

Well, you were a compliance chaser. You had a bad rap as someone who bothered learners to complete mandatory training, rather than focus on their core work. Your role was task-driven, repetitive, and isolating. You had to manually enroll your learners in training. This took much too much of your day and it was too easy to make a mistake. 

Certain teams needed certain training, and some compliance training was renewed annually, some quarterly. Employees all started at different times, so you had a calendar to track when to enroll learners. And, of course, many of them didn’t complete it on time, so you had to approach them to remind them to complete their training. As you wrapped up your compliance training tasks for the day, you paused, reflecting, and hoping for something better. 

And, as luck would have it, something better did appear - you discovered the Audience Builder feature:

Set it and forget it with the Audience Builder

The Audience Builder in 360Learning is a dynamic tool that allows you to automate enrollment of your learners based on their certification status, location, role, group, user custom fields, and other specific criteria to maximize the relevance of the learner’s experience. 

Once you’ve added your learners, specified their groups, and added your training catalog, you can set up your specific audience in just a few clicks. Get as general or as granular as you want, to deliver the training needed for your company. It’s up to you.

Here are a few ways the Audience Builder makes your life 100 times easier: 


With the Audience Builder, you can automate all compliance training by enrolling all required learners into dynamic audiences. You also set up an auto-re-enrollment to trigger 30 days before compliance certificates expire to remind your learners before their compliance is due. With automated email, Slack, and Micosoft Teams reminders, you’re no longer the “compliance bad guy”. Work happy hours have been better ever since. 


Your newcomers have contextualized and adaptive onboarding thanks to user custom fields in the Audience Builder. Whether a learner fails or excels at training, is a fresh graduate, or a seasoned executive, you can auto-enroll them in the appropriate next steps to get them ramped up. 


You’ve been able to set up an API to automate instructions to many groups and learners at all once, saving you even more time.

Happily ever after….

You may not get out of paying your taxes, but you can take comfort in knowing that you’re no longer a compliance chaser. 

Instead, you get to focus on learning and development. You’re now celebrated as a hero of engagement and alignment across the organization. You’ve reduced the number of employees out of compliance as well as the time it takes to onboard new employees. You’ve earned your hero status, by slaying the unnecessary evil of compliance chasing. 

And we’re still here, your 360Learning software, to help you tackle your next challenge. 

Are you not yet a 360Learning customer, and want to see how the Audience Builder (and a host of other brilliant features, including an AI assistant, built-in authoring tool, and more) can help you save time and drive real business impact? Grab your free demo, below. 

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