Product update new ios player
Training & Learning

Product Update: Faster Course Delivery, New iOS Player, and Exciting Live Training Solutions

This season is unlike any other for L&D professionals. While some companies are making strides towards allowing remote work permanently, others are starting to incorporate in-person interactions again. Whether you’re resuming in-person sessions or still very much delivering trainings over Zoom, flexibility is the name of the game. 

At 360Learning, we’re on a mission to ensure your teams thrive with training programs tailored to their needs—either online or in-person. That's what Collaborative Learning means to us. 

Over the last few weeks, we’ve been working behind-the-scenes on exciting product developments to help you address Learning Needs at the pace of business, provide best-in-class learning experiences, and all around operate with flexibility. And we took some well-deserved time off, too! 

Without further ado, here’s a recap of what our team has been up to recently.

Address Learning Needs in real-time

Time is of the essence for impact-driven training. Because ​​every piece of content has an expiration date, you can’t afford to lose time on the delivery. We’re here to help you get your courses out there at the pace of business. 

Introducing: quick publication workflow, and simpler course settings

Quick publication workflow

Did you know? With the 360Learning authoring tool, creating your first course only takes 17 minutes. And we’re making sure delivering your course won’t slow you down, either! 

With our new course publication workflow, all you have to do is type in the name of the group (our autocomplete search is here to help), and toggle on availability in the catalog or the library. That’s it, your course is ready to share!

Quick publication workflow

Simpler course settings 

At 360Learning, we believe nothing should come in the way of you delivering programs at the speed of business—especially course settings. We gathered advanced course options (estimated duration, course language, etc.) into a dedicated menu on the top-right side of your screen. No more endless scrolling on the course page!

simpler course settings

Speak your learners’ language

Connecting with your learners is about speaking their language, quite literally. Over the last few months, we worked on exciting developments to help you communicate with your teams more efficiently. 

Introducing: video subtitles and a new language learning content integration with Busuu. 

Video subtitles

Connecting globally-distributed teams, creating awareness, and increasing knowledge retention–video training has more benefits than one can count. But you need to make sure video content reaches your audience equally. Think of learners with a hearing disability, language barriers, or simply users with limited access to headsets at work. 

We are thrilled to help you make learning more inclusive: you can now upload subtitles to your video files in just a few clicks.

Keep your eyes peeled for exciting subtitles-related updates in the coming months!


Busuu content integration

In globally-distributed organizations, teams need to collaborate through language barriers. 

We recently partnered with Busuu—the world’s largest online community for language learning—to bring 3,000+ award-winning language learning lessons in 13 languages to your catalog. Have a look at our 10+ content integrations to bring world-class expertise to your programs! 

Provide a best-in class mobile learning experience

When was the last time you grabbed your phone? 5 seconds ago? 2 minutes ago?

It’s no secret that companies are leveraging the pervasiveness of mobile applications to put learning, quite literally, in the palms of our hands. About 40% of them, as it turns out. Because Mobile Learning (also known as mLearning) is here to stay, you should be able to deliver a stellar training experience via mobile apps. 

Introducing: a new course player for iOS users. 

Cue in: our brand-new, best-in-class iOS player! Think: more engagement through micro-interactions, a new workflow that encourages collaboration in the forum, and easy navigation with swipes and scrolls. 

new course player

Focus on what matters

With business needs shifting on the daily, you’re looking for ways to cut down on the unimportant. We want to help you do just that by putting relevant information at your fingertips at all times. 

Introducing: quick access to priority courses

In an ideal world, you would be able to find at a glance courses that need to be updated in priority. Say no more! We recently introduced two new sections at the top of the dashboard to help you do just that: a “Continue creating” section featuring your course drafts, and a “Courses that need your attention” section showing your courses with a Reaction Score below 50. You’re welcome!

quick access to priority courses

Take live training to the next level

Whether we like it or not, hybrid work is here to stay. This doesn’t come without challenges for L&D teams who now need to juggle hybrid schedules in addition to the usual logistics acrobatics. We’re here to help with modern training solutions that fit your team’s needs.

Introducing: scheduling multiple classroom events, and the flexibility for learners to choose their preferred slot. 

Schedule multiple classroom events

Teams on hybrid schedules need agile training solutions. You can now schedule multiple slots (on-site or virtual) for a classroom block in just a few clicks. Win-win: this means quick and error-free scheduling for you, and increased attendance rates with different options for the same live training.

multiple slots

Give learners the flexibility to choose their preferred slot

You can't be on top of all your teams' schedules, nor should you. Because tracking individual training preferences just isn't scalable, open up self-registration and let learners decide what time and place works best for their schedule.

Distribute ownership at the right level of the organization

Centralized L&D teams don’t always have their finger on the pulse of local entities. They need local ambassadors with boots on the ground to ensure operations are running smoothly in the field. We’re here to help you save time and admin work by empowering every level of your company to take part in building a Learning Organization

Introducing manager access to their team’s stats in 1 click

There’s no way around it: local managers know their teams best. Empower them to make training a part of their team’s life with easy access to their managees’ stats. When accessing the dashboard, they will automatically be redirected to a new managees tab and be able to follow along on team results, so you don’t have to. 

We’re back to work on our next updates

So, that’s the list of all the great new ways to make Collaborative Learning a reality. But don’t worry–we’re already working on our next set of updates! 

If you’d like more information on any of these updates and what they mean for you, you can learn about everything we released in our product release notes

Don’t go anywhere—we’ll be back in touch with even more exciting developments soon.

Not yet a 360Learning user and would like to take these features out for a spin? Request a free demo 👇
