Product update course navigation
Training & Learning

Product Update: New Course Navigation, Project Outlines, and Other Collaborative Learning Features

At 360Learning, we’re on a mission to ensure your teams thrive with learning experiences tailored to their needs. That's the power of Collaborative Learning

Over the last few weeks, we’ve been hard at work on exciting product updates to help you align learning with business needs, put your content center stage, and scale your training projects. 

Let’s dive in.

Tailor learning to business needs 

Fact: learners won’t complete courses that aren’t relevant. In a world of constant noise and notifications, how do you engage them? We’re here to help you create courses that will resonate with your learners’ priorities. 

Introducing: Screen + webcam recordings and 10+ Globalization languages 

Screen + webcam recordings

Whether we like it or not, learners have little time to allocate to their training programs. A picture is worth a thousand words—but a screen and webcam recording that learners can access whenever they want is worth its weight in gold. 

With a new screen recording option that captures a vignette of your webcam while you show your screen, you can share a quick video that will contextualize your message and connect with your learners, directly from the authoring tool. Bonus: clients of the Sales Enablement solution will be able to use screen + webcam recordings as a question format. 

Screen + webcam recordings

Language flexibility for global learners

Crafting compelling courses is all about speaking your learners’ language. The more contextual your course is, the higher the completion rates. 

With our Globalization Solution, you can now offer courses in 10+ languages including Thai, Chinese (traditional) and Turkish. When available, the translation will automatically surface in the learner’s preferred language, so they can feel right at home. 

Put your courses center stage

In a sea of constant noise and instant notifications, focusing can be a challenge. Over the last few weeks, we’ve improved key areas of the platform to take your learners where they need to go and maximize knowledge retention. 

Introducing: new course navigation and updated mobile redirection

New course navigation

We’ve updated the course table of contents to take up less space, so your content can take center stage. What’s more: learners will not be able to see the title of the next section or activity until they get to it– so spoilers are eliminated. For more information, head over to the Knowledge Base

New course navigation

Mobile redirection

Seeing as the average attention span on smartphones is a mere 8 seconds, time is of the essence when shipping learning programs designed for usage on mobile. 

Our seamless redirection now takes learners exactly to the right location in the app when they click on an email link or open a push notification from the app. This will help them stay focused on the task at hand. 

Manage your training projects easily

L&D is a team sport. No matter how hard we try, training courses that are developed in a silo fall short. To achieve programs that truly align with your learners’ needs, you have to ask for help from the experts who know your business best. But with so many stakeholders, how do you collaborate efficiently and ensure training projects move forward?

Cue in 360Learning for Enterprise with its built-in training project management capabilities. Because training programs are projects in their own right, we’re here to take all the external processes around content creation and transition them into your learning platform. 

Introducing: Outlines and Learning Needs pilot

Project outlines

Every project requires solid preparation and alignment. Training projects are no exception.

With outlines, you can now map out the activities and assign them to team members. Even better: you can leverage the power of collaboration by submitting the outline to the team for feedback. Once the outline is validated, we’ll automatically create the relevant courses and/or activities for you so the team can get started right away. 

Looking for more information on outlines? We’ve got you covered in the Knowledge Base

Project Outlines

Learning Needs pilot

Did you know 360Learning customers can get started with Learning Needs at no extra cost? Take the pulse of your organization with Learning Needs and gain clarity into what training to create next. You can activate Learning Needs from any group settings and let your learners declare up to 10 Learning Needs. 

Do more of what matters

With business needs shifting on the daily, you’re looking for ways to cut down on the unimportant. Your 360Learning platform should reflect that. What you need is a place to access the information you need instantly so you can focus on meaningful work.   

We want to help you do just that by putting relevant information at your fingertips at all times, without the hassle of endless clicking and searching.

Introducing: New homepage and new exports workflow

New homepage 

Whether you’re welcoming new employees or simply trying to keep up with new products and processes, you’re juggling a lot. You need an overview of the important stuff without the noise.

We’re here for it with a long-awaited homepage makeover. Access your groups, keep an eye on the programs you need to complete, and engage with your peers, all from our new homepage! 

New Homepage

Exports workflow

Streamlining L&D admin work is about empowering you to do your best work, regardless of how you prefer to do it. Exporting earning stats is a great example: at the end of the day, you just want it to work and complete today’s reporting needs.

We’ve got you covered with a new statistics export workflow that lets you choose between generating a .csv export from the platform or receiving an email download link (preferable for large exports). 

Distribute ownership at the right level of the organization

Finally, this release recap wouldn’t be complete without an overview of all the new ways you can save time and admin work by empowering every level of your company to take part in building a Learning Organization. 

Introducing: New permissions for local admins and instructions for assessing coaches 

New permissions for local admins

Centralized L&D teams don’t always have their finger on the pulse of local entities. They need local ambassadors to ensure operations are running smoothly in the field. 

That is why local group admins now have extended permissions over learners’ profiles in their communities, including resetting passwords and assigning managers. Empowering those who know your teams best is how you scale Collaborative Learning! 

Instructions for assessing coaches

When it comes to sales training, you need all the help you can get from sales coaches who know the job inside and out. But between their busy schedules and your ongoing L&D projects, you have little time to brief them on the evaluation at stake. 

Don’t worry! As a client of the Sales Enablement solution, you can now send instructions to coaches right before they start evaluating video pitches. The guidelines will be available from the coaching interface so they’re all caught up on the work ahead.

Assessing new coaches

We’re already working on our next updates

That’s a wrap on the list of all the great new ways to achieve Collaborative Learning within your organization. Psst: we’re already working on our next set of updates! 

If you’d like more information on any of these updates and what they can bring to you, head over to our product release notes

We’ll be back in touch with even more exciting developments very soon! 

Not yet a 360Learning customer and would like to take these features out for a spin? Request a free demo 👇
