Caroline Solis Wright
Caroline Solis Wright
VP of Marketing, 360Learning
Training & Learning
360Learning AI-powered course authoring capabilities
The Guide to AI-Powered Course Authoring & Collaborative LearningExpectations for L&D leaders have never been higher. That's why we developed AI-powered authoring features to make it fast and convenient to publish and iterate impactful courses for your organization.
Caroline Solis Wright
Caroline Solis WrightVP of Marketing, 360Learning
Training & Learning
Discussion Forum: Boost Completion Rates from 20% to 90% With Collaborative LearningCourse completion rates are hovering at 20-30% across the industry, and L&D leaders need a way to make learning exciting. That's why we've developed a tool to help your teams complete courses and retain knowledge with Collaborative Learning.
Caroline Solis Wright
Caroline Solis WrightVP of Marketing, 360Learning
Training & Learning
Reactions: Deliver Engaging and Up-to-Date Courses With Collaborative Learning
Reactions: Deliver Engaging and Up-to-Date Courses With Collaborative LearningAverage course completion rates are hovering at 20-30% across the industry. This is a huge problem - and we've developed a Collaborative Learning feature to help.
Caroline Solis Wright
Caroline Solis WrightVP of Marketing, 360Learning
Training & Learning
Video Pitch Assessment: Help Your Sales Reps Nail Their Pitch With Collaborative LearningWith our Video Pitch Assessment, any sales team can leverage the power of collaborative learning to shorten sales ramp-up time, boost pitch performance, and close more deals.
Caroline Solis Wright
Caroline Solis WrightVP of Marketing, 360Learning
Training & Learning
How AlphaSights built a scalable onboarding program with 99% satisfaction rates
How AlphaSights Built a Scalable Onboarding Program with 99% Satisfaction RatesLearn how AlphaSights scaled their onboarding by leveraging in-house experts and decentralizing learning.
Caroline Solis Wright
Caroline Solis WrightVP of Marketing, 360Learning
Training & Learning
Why Collaborative Learning is the Next Phase of LMS eLearningAlmost all LMSs focus primarily on administrators, not learners. It's top-down by default. And who loves top-down anything? No one.
Caroline Solis Wright
Caroline Solis WrightVP of Marketing, 360Learning
Training & Learning
relevance score common training problems
What Our New Relevance Score Tells Us About Common Training ProblemsWe analyzed the critical feedback from 244,000 relevance reactions across all courses and found common themes that plague even the best training programs. Find out what they are and shake them once and for all.
Caroline Solis Wright
Caroline Solis WrightVP of Marketing, 360Learning