LiveMay 9, 4:00 PM60 mins

Winning With Talent:

How Impactful L&D Retains & Rewards Top Performers 

In an increasingly competitive global market, many organizations are struggling with skills shortages, high turnover, and internal mobility. If you’re not investing in your employees’ growth, you risk losing your most valuable assets: top talent. It’s clear that L&D has a major impact on increasing employee retention, especially for high-performers – but that’s not all.

Workers thrive in environments that incentivize, recognize, empower, and reward high-performance. Feeling valued for contributing measurable impacts on the business is a big part of that. So it’s critical to design L&D programs that effectively fill skill gaps and help talent perform their best.

But how can organizations create this kind of environment? The answer is ingraining employee growth, skills development, recognition, and appreciation into everyday work culture, and offering smart tools that enable teams to do so effortlessly. 

To help you stand out in the fierce competition to attract and retain top talent, 360Learning and Bonusly have partnered up to show you how to effectively align performance-led L&D programs and the employee appreciation initiatives that follow. Watch the replay with David James, Chief Learning Officer at 360Learning, and Adri Glover, Head of People to learn actionable strategies on retaining and rewarding top talent within your organization.

You’ll learn:

  • How to effectively upskill your workforce and boost employee performance with a strong sense of collaboration within your organization
  • How to design collaborative L&D initiatives that drive real impact and boost performance across the entire organization
  • How to accentuate an authentic work culture that recognizes and rewards high-performance 
  • What kinds of tools you can use to build company-wide infrastructure and processes to support this work culture
  • How making your workforce feel valued and engaged throughout the employee lifecycle contributes to resilience
David JamesChief Learning Officer
Adri GloverHead of People