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I'm excited to invite you to a Zoom session with me, David James, 360Learning's Chief Learning Officer, along with a fantastic group of fellow L&D practitioners. This is your chance to get to the heart of what's happening in our industry.
We'll keep it casual and unscripted - no top-down approaches to knowledge-sharing here!
Whether you want to bring up topics for discussion or just soak up the wealth of deep L&D knowledge from everyone involved, this session is for you.
Join me and let's dive into the conversation together. Can't wait to see you there.
Performance-driven learning & development teams achieve business impact with 360Learning. L&D teams leverage AI and collaborative learning to pinpoint skills gaps, capture knowledge from experts, and deliver it to learners when needed most. 360Learning’s learning platform is equipped with powerful LMS automation, collaborative learning Academies, tools to create a top-notch learner experience, and an AI-powered Skills ontology to activate skills-based learning. Employees upskill, customers learn, and partners are trained—all from one place.