LiveSeptember 6, 3:00 PM60 mins

Learning in the Flow of Work:

How Far Have We Come?

The best way to learn is by doing. Yet, the strategies and frameworks we have traditionally used in learning and development haven’t always fulfilled the promise and potential of hands-on learning.

Fortunately, learning in the flow of work was introduced to help solve this. An approach that guides and supports employees when they need it (and in the places they need it), flow of work solutions empower L&D teams to match the learning needs of the moment. 

But how far have organizations come in implementing this powerful concept? Is it still a priority initiative or are there better ways to give people what they need to learn and improve? And of the L&D teams who have made progress, do learners report more practical learning experiences?

We surveyed 1,957 learners and 1,004 L&D decision-makers in the US, UK, France, and Germany to find out, and we’re here to share the results. Join 360Learning’s CLO, David James, as he discusses the findings with guest speaker and workflow learning expert, Bob Mosher. You’ll discover:

  • How effective organizations are at providing learning at the point of need (from both the L&D and learner perspectives)
  • Why great learning is all about timing
  • The challenges L&D teams face in facilitating learning in the flow of work including technical limitations 
  • Four practical recommendations to get learning in the flow of work right
Bob Mosher
Bob MosherCEO & Chief Learning Evangelist
David JamesChief Learning Officer