LiveOctober 13, 10:00 PM60 mins

Top Tips for Hybrid Work:

How to Build Stronger Teams Through Collaboration

What it is about

Right now, there’s a big question mark around the future of work.

The uncertainty and complexities of distributed workforces and hybrid work environments have made cross-functional collaboration more difficult than ever. Many distributed teams are struggling to communicate and learn effectively. The result? Disengaged employees who feel unappreciated and undervalued.

That’s why 360Learning has partnered up with Hypercontext and Helpjuice to offer helpful tips and techniques you can use to build collaborative teams in a hybrid workforce.

With our help, you’ll have the knowledge and techniques to:

  • Better align your teams
  • Foster a culture of cross-functional collaboration
  • Build lasting resilience in changing times
  • Support and adequately value and engage your employees

Create a Powerful & Collaborative Hybrid Team

Are you ready to change the way your hybrid team collaborates?

Watch this replay and uncover what it takes for your teams to thrive in a hybrid world. You’ll learn:

  • How to leverage subject-matter expertise to encourage cross-functional learning
  • Ways to make cross-functional meetings more effective and efficient
  • Why building empathy across the business is critical in a hybrid environment
  • How to build a single source of truth to support team goals
  • Steps you can take to effectively share knowledge
Josh Brown
Josh BrownMarketing Manager
Brennan McEachran
Brennan McEachranCEO and Co-Founder
Audrey Jarre
Audrey JarreSenior Learning Manager