LiveDecember 31, 11:00 PM

360Learning: Take a Product Tour in 17 Minutes

Right now, L&D teams around the world are facing a crisis of learning.

This is about more than just COVID-19 and going remote. We’re all struggling to find the time to finish our to-do lists. It’s no wonder the average course completion rate is just 20-30%.

Despite these challenges, people still want to learn, and your experts still have knowledge to share. At 360Learning, we’re on a mission to make it easy to ship and improve learning courses.

That’s why we’ve built our Collaborative Learning platform. In this 12-minute product tour with our learning specialist, you’ll learn how forward-thinking L&D teams engage and inspire learners.

Watch the video now!

You’ll see how 360Learning can:

  • Help experts create and launch their first course in minutes rather than months
  • Drive course completion rates of over 90%
  • Save thousands of ££ budget in annual training and cut onboarding time in half
  • Inspire your learners to do more training everyday to build your internal talent pipeline

More than 2,300 training teams have transformed their learning culture with our platform. Come and hear more about how we’re helping organizations around the world learn and grow together.

Hannah SpringCollaborative Learning Specialist