LiveApril 19, 3:00 PM

What does AI really mean for L&D leaders?

What does AI really mean for L&D leaders?

Speed. Automation. Ease of use. The proposed benefits of AI are vast. But so are the implied threats.

What does it all mean for you as an L&D leader? 

Join David James on Wednesday, April 19th at 4PM BST (11AM ET, 8AM PT) for an interactive discussion about what AI really means for you and the entire L&D industry. Have a look at both sides of the coin—the good and bad—and discover how AI can elevate L&D and create space for more impactful roles in the profession.

The session will be recorded. Please register to get your free replay.

About “L&D That Works with David James”

“L&D That Works with David James” is our new, monthly event for L&D professionals hungry for insights, best practices, and fresh ways of thinking. Each month, David James, industry leader and CLO at 360Learning, will host an interactive discussion about a topic related to L&D, talent, and performance. We hope you’ll join us for lively chats, lots of learning, and perhaps some good-natured debate. See you there!

David JamesChief Learning Officer
Yuhua LiSenior Product Manager on AI